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MagicMatch & Prospect Scouting

Dr. Chantal Spleiss is available to discuss with you promising matings for Thoroughbreds and Quarter Horses. She also assists with prospect scouting. In her book "Pedigree Patterns of Thoroughbreds and the Theory Behind" (2019) she explains the principles her recommendations are based on.

Her strength is the combination of being a scientist and an active horse breeder. Chantal keeps herself updated on the scientific literature. With her master in biochemistry she is able to understand the scientific language and to judge the content of papers. With her experience as a breeder she is used to look out of the window, observe the horses and evaluate their traits objectively. Theories don't always match reality - that's a matter of fact. The art is to deal with this constructively and gain knowledge and experience. She assists you selecting the most promising prospect or mating. Breeding (and buying) is to deal with the lottery of genetics - the fine art of educated choices though provides that small statistical advantage that leads the way to consistent success!

MagicMatch - Breeding Suggestions for Mares and Stallions
MagicMatch for TBs starts at $850 USD. Order here.
MagicMatch for QHs starts at $350 USD. Order here.

MagicMatch "Minis" - Pedigree Analysis
MagicMatch "Minis" for TB & QH: $60 USD. Order here.

Please inquire for assistance with the MagicMatch & Prospect Scouting.

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